Thursday, April 12, 2007


Modifying this story, what kind of signal do you think a person wearing below shirt would send?1. I am rubbish. I was rejected by UI, ITB, UGM and IPB
2. ...
3. ...



Unknown said...

On the contrary, I think it's a really kick*ss t-shirt! :D

I'll buy it if you have it. But better be quick, while the IPDN issue is still hot...

alief.aulia said...

muli, i dont have it.
but you can buy here

socrates rudy sirait said...

Only wear at Jakarta especially when we have to go somewhere in the night - it may protect you or few people may test you :)


IPDN (ingin pendidikan dapet nisan).. ya gitu deh potret nasional pendidikan kita yg sdh jadi barang mewah... untuk masuk UI, ITB, UGM aja muahalnya gak ketulungan... ada yg gretongan tp risiko nyawa melayang.. ya embat dr pada jadi penganguran alias sampah masyarakat.. kalo lulus pun podo wae... cari balik modal dulu...

Anonymous said...

2. I used to get beaten up by my seniors
3. I used to beat up my juniors when I progressed into a senior

Jay said...

4. I am your bloody civil servant who use your tax money.

5. I am a cool civil servant with no brain inside.

6. I am simply idiot.

Anonymous said...

2) I'm a survivor of violent seniors.
3) I have beaten my juniors to death and got away with it,
4) Now I'm your leader, whoever is my way, read point no 3.

The bloody T-shirt speaks volume.

Anonymous said...

Hey, people are not rubbish if they just can't go to UI, ITB, UGM, or IPB! You think you're all the best when you can go there? Yeah right.