Wednesday, January 16, 2008

KaFE Depok is on Top Ten Blogger Indonesia 2007

After long year end holiday and a series of harpitnas (hari kejepit nasional), it feel so hard to grind the mind and pressed the keyboard again for a witty post on this blog.

After all, we are have been educated in Western Europe that even though has high productivity but used to shorter working days (click here for comparison) than the Anglo-Saxon and East Asia counterparts.

There is no wake up call like an undue honor and recognition.

Fatih Syuhud, one of the most senior and respected Indonesian blogger, has listed KaFE Depok as Top Ten Blogger Indonesia 2007. He put us on number seven and wrote that we, "even in a blog posting … writes seriously with many citations, making blog-articles worth an academic paper”

As we wrote on the profile, KaFE Depok is a place for "ser-san" discussion. We see simplicity, but with hard theories and data behind, as a worthy aim since many economic issue seem to be made more complex than what it is. Democracy and good policy required good understanding of economics.... And of course we tried to have fun while doing it.

Rizal Siddik, our senior in FEUI and blogosphere, put it best in his Jakarta Post article (click here),“Almost every opinion widely held by the public and spoken fluently by most newsmakers has not been carefully made and is often against what elementary economics teaches…. We need more public education in economics to fight economic illiteracy.”

Looking back to our blogger of the week honor last April, let me quote Fatih Syuhud’s note on us, "I feel even happier to see that Kafe Depok understands very well the "art" of blogging. The art of interactivity and show of humility. Academicians used to be dubbed as the "ivory tower" who used to expect accolade and standing ovation from the bottom without any need to reach out to them

May we continue to learn the art of blogging.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear readers

Please read the actual writings of Adam Smith (here: "The real price of everything by Michael Lewis).

Smith did support the state to do something about the low education of the workers etc...

Even better: The great transformation by Karl Polanyi